*All subscriptions are automatically renewed until canceled!
Cancel your subscription from the app
You can cancel your subscription at any time in the app by going to Account > My Subscription.
IMPORTANT: If you purchased your subscription via Apple (iTunes App Store), this must be canceled in your App Store account -- check instructions below
- Open the app
- Tap Account (at the bottom right corner of the screen)
- Tap orange dropdown at the top of the screen
- Tap CANCEL button in the app.
Check Apple and Google instructions below:
- iTunes App Store: https://support.apple.com/en-us/ht202039
- Google Play: https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/7018481
Cancel your subscription using a web browser
If you purchased your subscription using a credit card, you can also cancel it in a web browser
1. Open the link below for your program:
- Eat Right Now: https://app.goeatrightnow.com/sign_in
- Craving To Quit: https://app.cravingtoquit.com/sign_in
- Unwinding Anxiety: https://app.unwindinganxiety.com/sign_in
2. Sign in using your email and password
3. Click your name button at the top right corner of the page to open main menu
4. Click Subscription and then click Cancel next to your current subscription (see screenshots).
If you have any problems canceling your subscription, please contact our support team at support@mindsciences.com