We are fortunate to have a unique, vibrant community supporting Craving to Quit users on their smoking cessation journey through the shared values of compassion, collaboration, and connection. Please respect fellow participants and help us maintain these community values, both in your own posts and in your responses to other users’ posts.
Before responding to another user’s post, explore the content of your response to see if it adds value and contributes to our shared aims of compassion, collaboration, and connection before posting.If you see disrespectful or harmful posts please send an email to support@cravingtoquit.com to inform our moderators. We are committed to keeping the community a safe place for everyone, no matter where they are on their smoking cessation journey. We ask members to please be mindful of the external links they are posting as they may contain viruses, data mining, or other privacy or security concerns. If you are posting external links, please make sure that you have reviewed the content yourself and it is relevant to smoking cessation. We also ask that you refrain from posting any type of commercial promotion content, including self-promotion, promotion of other willpower-based smoking cessation programs, or links to free content that requires submitting email addresses or any other personal information in order to access the content.
Thank you for helping us to co-create a unique community experience to support each other’s shared goals.